SF-29-98. 1998 Julio 29. Se otorga inscripción en el registro general de reaseguradoras extranjeras para tomar reaseguro y reafianzamiento del país, a la entidad del exterior que se menciona.

SF-29-98. 1998 Julio 29. Se otorga inscripción en el registro general de reaseguradoras extranjeras para tomar reaseguro y reafianzamiento del país, a la entidad del exterior que se menciona.

SF-46-08. 2008 agosto 21. Se otorga inscripción en el Registro General de Reaseguradoras Extranjeras para Tomar Reaseguro y Reafianzamiento del País, a Darep Limited, de Dublín, Irlanda.

SF-47-08. 2008 agosto 25. Se da a conocer la resolución 1822 (2008) aprobada por el Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas.

SF-72-06. 2006 Noviembre 08. Se da a conocer los nombres de las personas y entidades presuntamente asociadas con la organización terrorista Hizballah, designadas de manera local bajo la orden ejecutiva 13224 de los Estados Unidos de América .

SF-72-06. 2006 Noviermbre 08. Se da a conocer los nombres de las personas y entidades presuntamente asociadas con la organización terrorista Hizballah, designadas de manera local bajo la orden ejecutiva 13224 de los Estados Unidos de América.

SF-75-06. 2006 Noviermbre 30. SVC, se convoca a la entrega de la versión 3.0.

SF-75-06. 2006 Noviembre 30. SVC, se convoca a la entrega de la versión 3.0.

SF-01-03. 2003 enero 08. Se comunica cambio de denominación social de A.G.F. Marine Aviation Transport, de Paris, Francia.

SF-01-03. 2003 enero 08. Se comunica cambio de denominación social de A.G.F. Marine Aviation Transport, de Paris, Francia.

SF-50-07. 2007 Octubre 04. SIIF, se convoca a la entrega de la versión 4.90 y se puntualizan los cambios realizados.

SF-50-07. 2007 Octubre 04. SIIF, se convoca a la entrega de la versión 4.90 y se puntualizan los cambios realizados.

SF-09-98. 1998 Abril 02. SIIF, se comunica entrega de la versión 1.6.

SF-09-98. 1998 Abril 02. SIIF, se comunica entrega de la versión 1.6.

SF-21-97. 1997 Octubre 16. SIIF, se comunica entrega.

SF-21-97. 1997 Octubre 16. SIIF, se comunica entrega.

OF-04-06 - 2006 marzo 30. Se da a conocer los factores de retención promedio del mercado por ramo que se considerarán para la determinación del Requerimiento de Reclamaciones Recibidas con expectativa de pago.

OF-04-06 - 2006 marzo 30. Se da a conocer los factores de retención promedio del mercado por ramo que se considerarán para la determinación del Requerimiento de Reclamaciones Recibidas con expectativa de pago.

OF-11-05. 2005 agosto 10. Registro de Notas técnicas de fianzas, se da a conocer el instructivo para la creación de firmas electrónicas y documentos.

OF-11-05. 2005 agosto 10. Registro de Notas técnicas de fianzas, se da a conocer el instructivo para la creación de firmas electrónicas y documentos.

OF-01-04. 2004 marzo 31 Se dan a conocer los factores medios de calificación de garantías de recuperación de las cias.

OF-01-04. 2004 marzo 31. Se dan a conocer los factores medios de calificación de garantías de recuperación de las cias.

Código Fiscal de la Federación

Código Fiscal de la Federación 2011
Publicación en Diario Oficial de la Federación. Última reforma: 12 de diciembre 2011

DOF 28-12-2009

Suspensión - 8a. época - 1991. 5o TC materia civil del Primer Circuito

Suspensión - 8a. época - 1991. 5o TC materia civil del Primer Circuito.

OF-13-03. 2003 abril 24. Límites máximos de retención de las cias., se otorga prórroga para su presentación.

OF-13-03. 2003 abril 24. Límites máximos de retención de las cias., se otorga prórroga para su presentación.

SF-06-96. 1996 Abril 26. Se dan a conocer los intermediarios de reaseguro autorizados y registrados.

SF-09-96. 1996 Julio 16. Se dan a conocer los intermediarios de reaseguro autorizados y registrados.

Reglamento Interior del SAT

Reglamento Interior del SAT
Deseo descargar la versión en PDF / WORD

OF-17-00. 2000 noviembre 28. Se dan a conocer los factores medios de calificación de garantías de recuperación de las cias. para la información del 1er. trimestre de 2001.

OF-17-00. 2000 noviembre 28. Se dan a conocer los factores medios de calificación de garantías de recuperación de las cias. para la información del 1er. trimestre de 2001.

Contrato y Pólizas Fianzas - 9a. época - 2000. 3o TC materia civil del Primer Circuito.pdf

Contrato y Pólizas Fianzas - 9a. época - 2002. 3o TC materia civil del Primer Circuito.pdf

Provicdencia Precautoria - 9a. época - 2005. 3o TC materia civil del Tercer Circuito.pdf

Providencia Precautoria - 9a. época - 2005. 3o TC materia civil del Tercer Circuito.

Example Pages and Menu Links

This page is an example of content that is Uncategorized; that is, it does not belong to any Section or Category. You will see there is a new Menu in the left column. It shows links to the same content presented in 4 different page layouts.

  • Section Blog
  • Section Table
  • Blog Category
  • Category Table

Follow the links in the Example Pages Menu to see some of the options available to you to present all the different types of content included within the default installation of Joomla!.

This includes Components and individual Articles. These links or Menu Item Types (to give them their proper name) are all controlled from within the Menu Manager->[menuname]->Menu Items Manager.

Newsflash 5

Joomla! 1.5 - 'Experience the Freedom'!. It has never been easier to create your own dynamic Web site. Manage all your content from the best CMS admin interface and in virtually any language you speak.

Newsflash 4

Yesterday all servers in the U.S. went out on strike in a bid to get more RAM and better CPUs. A spokes person said that the need for better RAM was due to some fool increasing the front-side bus speed. In future, buses will be told to slow down in residential motherboards.

Content Layouts

Joomla! provides plenty of flexibility when displaying your Web content. Whether you are using Joomla! for a blog site, news or a Web site for a company, you'll find one or more content styles to showcase your information. You can also change the style of content dynamically depending on your preferences. Joomla! calls how a page is laid out a layout. Use the guide below to understand which layouts are available and how you might use them.


Joomla! makes it extremely easy to add and display content. All content is placed where your mainbody tag in your template is located. There are three main types of layouts available in Joomla! and all of them can be customised via parameters. The display and parameters are set in the Menu Item used to display the content your working on. You create these layouts by creating a Menu Item and choosing how you want the content to display.

Blog Layout

Blog layout will show a listing of all Articles of the selected blog type (Section or Category) in the mainbody position of your template. It will give you the standard title, and Intro of each Article in that particular Category and/or Section. You can customise this layout via the use of the Preferences and Parameters, (See Article Parameters) this is done from the Menu not the Section Manager!

Blog Archive Layout

A Blog Archive layout will give you a similar output of Articles as the normal Blog Display but will add, at the top, two drop down lists for month and year plus a search button to allow Users to search for all Archived Articles from a specific month and year.

List Layout

Table layout will simply give you a tabular list of all the titles in that particular Section or Category. No Intro text will be displayed just the titles. You can set how many titles will be displayed in this table by Parameters. The table layout will also provide a filter Section so that Users can reorder, filter, and set how many titles are listed on a single page (up to 50)


Wrappers allow you to place stand alone applications and Third Party Web sites inside your Joomla! site. The content within a Wrapper appears within the primary content area defined by the "mainbody" tag and allows you to display their content as a part of your own site. A Wrapper will place an IFRAME into the content Section of your Web site and wrap your standard template navigation around it so it appears in the same way an Article would.

Content Parameters

The parameters for each layout type can be found on the right hand side of the editor boxes in the Menu Item configuration screen. The parameters available depend largely on what kind of layout you are configuring.

The Joomla! Community

Got a question? With more than 140,000 members, the online forums at forum.joomla.org are a great resource for both new and experienced users. Go ahead, ask your toughest questions, the community is waiting to see what you're going to do with your Joomla! site.

Do you want to show off your new Joomla! Web site? Go ahead, we have a section dedicated to that on our forum.

Do you want to join in?

If you think working with Joomla! is fun, wait until you start working on it. We're passionate about helping Joomla! Users make the jump to becoming contributing members of the community, so there are many ways you can help Joomla!'s development:

  • Submit news about Joomla!. We syndicate all Joomla! related news on our news portal. If you have some Joomla! news that you would like to share with the community, please submit your short story, article, announcement or review here.
  • Report bugs and request features in our trackers. Please read Reporting Bugs, for details on how we like our bug reports served up
  • Submit patches for new and/or fixed behaviour. Please read Submitting Patches, for details on how to submit a patch.
  • Join the developer forums and share your ideas for how to improve Joomla!. We're always open to suggestions, although we're likely to be sceptical of large-scale suggestions without some code to back it up.
  • Join any of the Joomla! Working Groups and bring your personal expertise to the Joomla! community. More info about the different working groups can be found on the Working Group Roll Call.

That's all you need to know if you'd like to join the Joomla! development community.


Out of the box, Joomla! does a great job of managing the content needed to make your Web site sing. But for many people, the true power of Joomla! lies in the application framework that makes it possible for developers all around the world to create powerful add-ons that are called Extensions. An Extension is used to add capabilities to Joomla! that do not exist in the base core code. Here are just some examples of the hundreds of available Extensions:

  • Dynamic form builders
  • Business or organisational directories
  • Document management
  • Image and multimedia galleries
  • E-commerce and shopping cart engines
  • Forums and chat software
  • Calendars
  • E-mail newsletters
  • Data collection and reporting tools
  • Banner advertising systems
  • Paid subscription services
  • and many, many, more

You can find more examples over at our ever growing Joomla! Extensions Directory. Prepare to be amazed at the amount of exciting work produced by our active developer community!

A useful guide to the Extension site can be found at:

Types of Extensions

There are five types of extensions:

  • Components
  • Modules
  • Templates
  • Plugins
  • Languages

You can read more about the specifics of these using the links in the Article Index - a Table of Contents (yet another useful feature of Joomla!) - at the top right or by clicking on the Next link below.

Component - Joomla! Extension Directory Components

A Component is the largest and most complex of the Extension types. Components are like mini-applications that render the main body of the page. An analogy that might make the relationship easier to understand would be that Joomla! is a book and all the Components are chapters in the book. The core Article Component (com_content), for example, is the mini-application that handles all core Article rendering just as the core registration Component (com_user) is the mini-application that handles User registration.

Many of Joomla!'s core features are provided by the use of default Components such as:

  • Contacts
  • Front Page
  • News Feeds
  • Banners
  • Mass Mail
  • Polls

A Component will manage data, set displays, provide functions, and in general can perform any operation that does not fall under the general functions of the core code.

Components work hand in hand with Modules and Plugins to provide a rich variety of content display and functionality aside from the standard Article and content display. They make it possible to completely transform Joomla! and greatly expand its capabilities.

Module - Joomla! Extension Directory Modules

A more lightweight and flexible Extension used for page rendering is a Module. Modules are used for small bits of the page that are generally less complex and able to be seen across different Components. To continue in our book analogy, a Module can be looked at as a footnote or header block, or perhaps an image/caption block that can be rendered on a particular page. Obviously you can have a footnote on any page but not all pages will have them. Footnotes also might appear regardless of which chapter you are reading. Simlarly Modules can be rendered regardless of which Component you have loaded.

Modules are like little mini-applets that can be placed anywhere on your site. They work in conjunction with Components in some cases and in others are complete stand alone snippets of code used to display some data from the database such as Articles (Newsflash) Modules are usually used to output data but they can also be interactive form items to input data for example the Login Module or Polls.

Modules can be assigned to Module positions which are defined in your Template and in the back-end using the Module Manager and editing the Module Position settings. For example, "left" and "right" are common for a 3 column layout.

Displaying Modules

Each Module is assigned to a Module position on your site. If you wish it to display in two different locations you must copy the Module and assign the copy to display at the new location. You can also set which Menu Items (and thus pages) a Module will display on, you can select all Menu Items or you can pick and choose by holding down the control key and selecting multiple locations one by one in the Modules [Edit] screen

Note: Your Main Menu is a Module! When you create a new Menu in the Menu Manager you are actually copying the Main Menu Module (mod_mainmenu) code and giving it the name of your new Menu. When you copy a Module you do not copy all of its parameters, you simply allow Joomla! to use the same code with two separate settings.

Newsflash Example

Newsflash is a Module which will display Articles from your site in an assignable Module position. It can be used and configured to display one Category, all Categories, or to randomly choose Articles to highlight to Users. It will display as much of an Article as you set, and will show a Read more... link to take the User to the full Article.

The Newsflash Component is particularly useful for things like Site News or to show the latest Article added to your Web site.

Plugin - Joomla! Extension Directory Plugins

One of the more advanced Extensions for Joomla! is the Plugin. In previous versions of Joomla! Plugins were known as Mambots. Aside from changing their name their functionality has been expanded. A Plugin is a section of code that runs when a pre-defined event happens within Joomla!. Editors are Plugins, for example, that execute when the Joomla! event onGetEditorArea occurs. Using a Plugin allows a developer to change the way their code behaves depending upon which Plugins are installed to react to an event.

Language - Joomla! Extensions Directory Languages

New to Joomla! 1.5 and perhaps the most basic and critical Extension is a Language. Joomla! is released with multiple Installation Languages but the base Site and Administrator are packaged in just the one Language en-GB - being English with GB spelling for example. To include all the translations currently available would bloat the core package and make it unmanageable for uploading purposes. The Language files enable all the User interfaces both Front-end and Back-end to be presented in the local preferred language. Note these packs do not have any impact on the actual content such as Articles.

More information on languages is available from the Joomla! help site: Language Packs and Localised Releases

What's New In 1.5?

As with previous releases, Joomla! provides a unified and easy-to-use framework for delivering content for Web sites of all kinds. To support the changing nature of the Internet and emerging Web technologies, Joomla! required substantial restructuring of its core functionality and we also used this effort to simplify many challenges within the current user interface. Joomla! 1.5 has many new features.

Does the PDF icon render pictures and special characters?

Yes! Prior to Joomla! 1.5, only the text values of an Article and only for ISO-8859-1 encoding was allowed in the PDF rendition. With the new PDF library in place, the complete Article including images is rendered and applied to the PDF. The PDF generator also handles the UTF-8 texts and can handle any character sets from any language. The appropriate fonts must be installed but this is done automatically during a language pack installation.

I installed with my own language, but the Back-end is still in English

A lot of different languages are available for the Back-end, but by default this language may not be installed. If you want a translated Back-end, get your language pack and install it using the Extension Installer. After this, go to the Extensions Menu, select Language Manager and make your language the default one. Your Back-end will be translated immediately.

Users who have access rights to the Back-end may choose the language they prefer in their Personal Details parameters. This is of also true for the Front-end language.

A good place to find where to download your languages and localised versions of Joomla! is on our Help Site.

What is an Uncategorised Article?

Most Articles will be assigned to a Section and Category. In many cases, you might not know where you want it to appear so put the Article in the Uncategorized Section/Category. The Articles marked as Uncategorized are handled as static content.

Is it useful to install the sample data?

Well you are reading it right now! This depends on what you want to achieve. If you are new to Joomla! and have no clue how it all fits together, just install the sample data. If you don't like the English sample data because you - for instance - speak Chinese, then leave it out.

Where did the Mambots go?

Mambots have been renamed as Plugins.

Mambots were introduced in Mambo and offered possibilities to add plug-in logic to your site mainly for the purpose of manipulating content. In Joomla! 1.5, Plugins will now have much broader capabilities than Mambots. Plugins are able to extend functionality at the framework layer as well.

How do I remove an Article?

To completely remove an Article, select the Articles that you want to delete and move them to the Trash. Next, open the Article Trash in the Content Menu and select the Articles you want to delete. After deleting an Article, it is no longer available as it has been deleted from the database and it is not possible to undo this operation.

What is the purpose of the collation selection in the installation screen?

The collation option determines the way ordering in the database is done. In languages that use special characters, for instance the German umlaut, the database collation determines the sorting order. If you don't know which collation you need, select the "utf8_general_ci" as most languages use this. The other collations listed are exceptions in regards to the general collation. If your language is not listed in the list of collations it most likely means that "utf8_general_ci is suitable.

Platforms and Open Standards

Joomla! runs on any platform including Windows, most flavours of Linux, several Unix versions, and the Apple OS/X platform. Joomla! depends on PHP and the MySQL database to deliver dynamic content.

The minimum requirements are:

  • Apache 1.x, 2.x and higher
  • PHP 4.3 and higher
  • MySQL 3.23 and higher
It will also run on alternative server platforms such as Windows IIS - provided they support PHP and MySQL - but these require additional configuration in order for the Joomla! core package to be successful installed and operated.

What are the requirements to run Joomla! 1.5?

Joomla! runs on the PHP pre-processor. PHP comes in many flavours, for a lot of operating systems. Beside PHP you will need a Web server. Joomla! is optimized for the Apache Web server, but it can run on different Web servers like Microsoft IIS it just requires additional configuration of PHP and MySQL. Joomla! also depends on a database, for this currently you can only use MySQL.

Many people know from their own experience that it's not easy to install an Apache Web server and it gets harder if you want to add MySQL, PHP and Perl. XAMPP, WAMP, and MAMP are easy to install distributions containing Apache, MySQL, PHP and Perl for the Windows, Mac OSX and Linux operating systems. These packages are for localhost installations on non-public servers only.
The minimum version requirements are:
  • Apache 1.x or 2.x
  • PHP 4.3 or up
  • MySQL 3.23 or up
For the latest minimum requirements details visit the Joomla! Help Site and Forums

How do I install Joomla! 1.5?

Installing of Joomla! 1.5 is pretty easy. We assume you have set-up your Web site, and it is accessible with your browser.

Download Joomla! 1.5, unzip it and upload/copy the files into the directory you Web site points to, fire up your browser and enter your Web site address and the installation will start.

For full details on the installation processes check out the Installation Manual on the Joomla! Help Site where you will also find download instructions for a PDF version too.

What languages are supported by Joomla! 1.5?

Within the Installer you will find a wide collection of languages. The installer currently supports the following languages: Arabic, Bulgarian, Bengali, Czech, Danish, German, Greek, English, Spanish, Finnish, French, Hebrew, Devanagari(India), Croatian(Croatia), Magyar (Hungary), Italian, Malay, Norwegian bokmal, Dutch, Portuguese(Brasil), Portugues(Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Svenska, Thai and more are being added all the time.
By default the English language is installed for the Back and Front-ends. You can download additional language files from the Joomla!Extensions Directory. In addition some translation teams are offering fully localised versions of the entire package. Please check the Joomla! Help Site for links to locations where languages and localised versions can be found.

What is the difference between Archiving and Trashing an Article?

When you Archive an Article, the content is put into a state which removes it from your site as published content. The Article is still available from within the Control Panel and can be retrieved for editing or republishing purposes. Trashed Articles are just one step from being permanently deleted but are still available until you Remove them from the Trash Manager. You should use Archive if you consider an Article important, but not current. Trash should be used when you want to delete the content entirely from your site and from future search results.

Where is the Static Content Item?

In Joomla! versions prior to 1.5 there were separate processes for creating a Static Content Item and normal Content Items. The processes have been combined now and whilst both content types are still around they are renamed as Articles for Content Items and Uncategorized Articles for Static Content Items.

If you want to create a static item, create a new Article in the same way as for standard content and rather than relating this to a particular Section and Category just select Uncategorized as the option in the Section and Category drop down lists.

Is it possible to change A Menu Item's Type?

You indeed can change the Menu Item's Type to whatever you want, even after they have been created.

If, for instance, you want to change the Blog Section of a Menu link, go to the Control Panel->Menus Menu->[menuname]->Menu Item Manager and edit the Menu Item. Select the Change Type button and choose the new style of Menu Item Type from the available list. Thereafter, alter the Details and Parameters to reconfigure the display for the new selection as you require it.

Where did the Installers go?

The improved Installer can be found under the Extensions Menu. With versions prior to Joomla! 1.5 you needed to select a specific Extension type when you wanted to install it and use the Installer associated with it, with Joomla! 1.5 you just select the Extension you want to upload, and click on install. The Installer will do all the hard work for you.

Joomla! Facts

Here are some interesting facts about Joomla!

  • Over 140,000 active registered Users on the Official Joomla! community forum and more on the many international community sites.
    • over 1,000,000 posts in over 200,000 topics
    • over 1,200 posts per day
    • growing at 150 new participants each day!
  • 1168 Projects on the JoomlaCode (joomlacode.org ). All for open source addons by third party developers.
    • Nearly 1,900,000 downloads of Joomla! since the migration to JoomlaCode in March 2007.
  • 2200+ Extensions for Joomla! have been registered on the Joomla! Extension Directory
  • Joomla.org exceeds 2 TB of traffic per month!
  • Alexa report [November 2007]: Joomla.org at #690 of the busiest Web sites in the world.

Joomla! Overview

If you're new to Web publishing systems, you'll find that Joomla! delivers sophisticated solutions to your online needs. It can deliver a robust enterprise-level Web site, empowered by endless extensibility for your bespoke publishing needs. Moreover, it is often the system of choice for small business or home users who want a professional looking site that's simple to deploy and use. We do content right.

So what's the catch? How much does this system cost?

Well, there's good news ... and more good news! Joomla! 1.5 is free, it is released under an Open Source license - the GNU/General Public License v 2.0. Had you invested in a mainstream, commercial alternative, there'd be nothing but moths left in your wallet and to add new functionality would probably mean taking out a second mortgage each time you wanted something adding!

Joomla! changes all that ...
Joomla! is different from the normal models for content management software. For a start, it's not complicated. Joomla! has been developed for everybody, and anybody can develop it further. It is designed to work (primarily) with other Open Source, free, software such as PHP, MySQL, and Apache.

It is easy to install and administer, and is reliable.

Joomla! doesn't even require the user or administrator of the system to know HTML to operate it once it's up and running.

To get the perfect Web site with all the functionality that you require for your particular application may take additional time and effort, but with the Joomla! Community support that is available and the many Third Party Developers actively creating and releasing new Extensions for the 1.5 platform on an almost daily basis, there is likely to be something out there to meet your needs. Or you could develop your own Extensions and make these available to the rest of the community.

Support and Documentation


Support for the Joomla! CMS can be found on several places. The best place to start would be the official Help Site. Here you can help yourself to the information that is regularly published and updated as Joomla! develops. There is much more to come too!

Of course you should not forget the Help System of the CMS itself. On the topmenu in the Back-end Control panel you find the Help button which will provide you with lots of explanation on features.

Another great place would of course be the Forum . On the Joomla! Forum you can find help and support from Community members as well as from Joomla! Core members and Working Group members. The forum contains a lot of information, FAQ's, just about anything you are looking for in terms of support.

Two other resources for Support are the Joomla! Developer Network (JDN) and the Joomla! Extensions Directory (JED). The Developer Network for example provides lots of technical information for the experienced Developer as well as those new to Joomla! and development work in general. The JED whilst not a support site in the strictest sense has many of the Extensions that you will need as you develop your own Web site.

The Joomla! Core members are regularly posting their blog reports about several topics such as programming techniques used in Joomla!, Security, Events and more. You can even subscribe to get notified by e-mail when a new blog post is made!


Joomla! Documentation can of course be found on the Help Site. You can find information such as an Installation Guide, User and Administrator manuals, Frequently Asked Questions and a lot more. The User Documentation Team are the guardians of the documentation relating to the practical use of Joomla!. The Developer Documentation Team are the stalwarts behind detailing how Joomla! works from the ground up and how you can develop your own Extensions and Templates and much more.

Other than the documentation provided by the Joomla! Documentation Work Groups there are also books written about Joomla! You can find a listing of these books in the Joomla! Bookshelf .

Want to help?

If you want to help in the documentation project for Joomla! then please post your details on the User Documentation Forum or the Developer Documentation Forum

Joomla! Features

Joomla! features:

  • Completely database driven site engines
  • News, products, or services sections fully editable and manageable
  • Topics sections can be added to by contributing Authors
  • Fully customisable layouts including left, center, and right Menu boxes
  • Browser upload of images to your own library for use anywhere in the site
  • Dynamic Forum/Poll/Voting booth for on-the-spot results
  • Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, MacOSX server, Solaris, and AIX

My MySQL database does not support UTF-8. Do I have a problem?

No you don't. Versions of MySQL lower than 4.1 do not have built in UTF-8 support. However, Joomla! 1.5 has made provisions for backward compatibility and is able to use UTF-8 on older databases. Let the installer take care of all the settings and there is no need to make any changes to the database (charset, collation, or any other).

Why does Joomla! 1.5 use utf-8 encoding?

Well... how about never needing to mess with encoding settings again?

Ever needed to display several languages on one page or site and something always came up in Giberish?

With utf-8 (a variant of Unicode) glyphs (character forms) of basically all languages can be displayed with one single encoding setting.

How do I upgrade to Joomla! 1.5 ?

Joomla! 1.5 does not provide an upgrade path from earlier versions. Converting an older site to a Joomla! 1.5 site requires creation of a new empty site using Joomla! 1.5 and then populating the new site with the content from the old site. This migration of content is not a one-to-one process and involves conversions and modifications to the content dump.

There are two ways to perform the migration:

How do I localise Joomla! to my language?


In Joomla! 1.5 all User interfaces can be localised. This includes the installation, the Back-end Control Panel and the Front-end Site.

The core release of Joomla! 1.5 is shipped with multiple language choices in the installation but, other than English (the default), languages for the Site and Administration interfaces need to be added after installation. Links to such language packs exist below.